Saturday, April 9, 2011

It's always the Leap.

The leap of faith. I remember many times it was used. It is somewhat allegoric, but just might be a bit cliche. But still. It is well allegorized.

But maybe it isn't always a leap. (Don't just go screaming Sacrilege. I have a point.) Maybe it is more like a creepy bridge without handles. You can see the other side and the path. You can do it. That is, unless you're made of Uranium: The bridge snaps under your weight, and as you hit the ground you detonate in an epic reaction that eliminates all other sides of your journey! Translation: It fails meagerly and life continues undramatized.

Yeah, the leap makes sense, but that involves plunging headfirst into the unknown. The shaky bridge and the epic fall make a little more sense. Especially since all you would be falling into is water. But to you that water is full of radioactive piranhas. Which actually fuse together to become the loch ness monster. Even though you could see the bottom and have been drinking that same water.

Maybe there is a better allegory. One with less hypothetical danger. Like a mountain trail. But you need to have your Mission Trip Machete, because, you know, a Mountain Lion might try to maul you or something.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Reversing the sentence

There are a great number of sentences that are said backwards of what they should be. Make that a great number of thoughts. The general form is 'Thou art for thou do' (Translation: One is [  ] because one does [ ].) Something is wrong. The sentence shows definition by result. Is that who you actually are?

The thing is, sentences are written thoughts. Hacking, inverting, and sugar-coating are all ways that these thoughts are corrupted. The particularly dangerous one is inverting. If one does because of what one is, he is not what he does. But reverse that a bit. You are your actions and their results. What you do determines what you believe, what you love.

I would challenge that what one loves should determine what they do. It actually does. One who loves their image would do something good or shrewd to make themselves look better. (Let's face it. We all do it.) One who loves their friends will try to make sure their needs are met. One who loves to serve will. What one loves is what one does.

Courage is a condition of the heart. A possession. One is not courageous because he did something slightly crazy and necessary. One did something crazy and necessary because of his courage. Everything has a reason at the heart, what is created to be as it is, lest it become corrupt. A repentant heart will change back to how it was created. It will repair the mind by the actions, by the power of a healing Spirit.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Mosh Pit Christianity

At any given Metal Concert, there are three general groups: Supervisors, Fans, and Participants. The Supervisors stand or sit in back, giving either approval or disapproval to the show and crowd. Fans stand near the front,  and cheer as well as watch. You may even get a clap out of them. Then there are the Participants. These crazy people don't just stand around. They begin a thing of chaos up front, pulling as many people into their madness as possible. These are the ones who have the most fulfillment out of tho concert. They have the most fun.

There is a mirror, also. Christians have three basic modes: Supervisors, Fans, and Participants.

Of course, a supervisor doesn't just have to watch. They can draw attention to themselves, distracting others from their fun. They can gossip, slander, or do any number of other perverse things way back there in the back. But only the band can see them. Only the LORD sees them in their true light.

The Fans, yeah, they are among us. Sure. They are enjoying seeing the artist up close, kinda tapping their foot to the beat, kinda singing. But it is just their try. Some are participants, some are not. Some are actually only there because they had nothing else to do. Well, how exciting.

The Participants are the ones with the fun. They have the energy. Crank it up, they are lovin' it. Their energy and violent intercourse are shaking to the walls around them. They bash and are bashed alike. They are enjoying every minute of it. And everyone around them, and all who see them in the light are empowered by that energy. The blood is flowing. They're ready.

If I were to ask a question, which would you consider yourself? Do you want to watch? Will you be there? Or will you BE THERE, a part of the action. Potato, goat, or sheep? I like to call myself a sheep, though I often act like the other two.