Sunday, January 23, 2011

Universal Joints

    A Universal Joint, or a U-Joint, is among the most common obscure things you possess many of. At least two for each car you own, plus you probably have one in a ratchet set. Why are they useful? When a rod is rotating, it needs to be completely straight, or it will look wobbly. Plus, the input and output must be in line with each other. But if that were the case, all vehicles would have to be so low to the ground that the engine and transmission would both take damage. Thus, we needed a way to allow a rod to rotate at angles, dropping it down simply and easily.
    We already knew how to make a simple joint, one with the parameter only along one plane. This is like your knee. It only bends one way. But rotation requires that this joint also rotate. So what if we combined two parameters along perpendicular planes, planes that rotated? Concept, check. Having a second, perpendicular plane creates a three-dimensional parametric system, so that the altered line does not need remain on the plane. Instead, the planes can rotate all they want, without disturbing the alteration. As this rotates, the individual components of the 3D vector change, going from positive max to zero to negative max.
    I have only found one problem with U-Joints so far, and that is their angular limit. Somewhere between 30 and 60 degrees is their limit, and at 90 you can get what I call "Wobbly Lock". Wobbly lock is where the components 'Lock', turning the 'Wobbly' into a pivot. This makes a poor excuse for a wrench. So keep that in mind next time you change your spark plugs. This can get annoying.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Addicted to Free - Over-Pricing Computers

Your computer runs Windows, right? And everything but your web browser cost you $$$, unless it is made of ads. I have a new option of freeness, Linux-based systems. Microsoft develops all their stuff by paying employees those $$$ you payed out to give you Operating Systems, on a cycle of v 0.5, v0.8, v. 0.5, v. 0.9, v. 0.5, v... The only people who really need to pay for those services are gamers, many of whom are pro- Open Source. (who dislikes free? Unless it is paying you, but still, free...)

So why did I decide to use it? (let me see... free... Dual booting...) I was hoping for faster boot times, which is what I got from it. But it has even more to offer... Free. Full word processing, internet access, video editing (WITH, apparently, multiple audio tracks), audio editing, and pretty much everything that a non-gamer would use. I even found free education-related applications. And still, FREE!

All of this information is about the Ubuntu operating system, I do recommend at least trying it, and if you like it, saving about 100 dollars on your next PC. And, if necessary, you can boot a windows backup on another PC. Just transfer it properly. (And, That's Free!!! Since you already paid for it.)

And I forgot, if you are used to Mac, and love their security, this one's security is about the same. Plus, it runs just a simply, with fewer errors. And, EVERYTHING is pretty much FREE!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Spark Plugs: Triggering Detonation

    Spark Plugs: Those little fragile things in your engine that only do as they say: create a spark. So simple of a job, yet so complex. If something goes wrong with this piece, your engine dies. And their basic design isn't so great either. Now they have newer, better ones available. No longer is the spark plug closed, now the spark sends the explosion forward.
    If one spark does well enough, what happens when there are two? Better results. Four? It starts faster, and stronger. And with that, more of the fuel is burned in each stroke. Thus, less fuel is used, and emissions become more efficient.
    So, why are we still shooting things solo? Or better, why am I doing things solo? The most interesting thing about the spark plug is that all of the sparks go to and come from the same place, the center of the plug. And the pieces on the side are all working on the same task, but each does a different part. No longer is it alone, no longer must it start the explosion on its own.

    If many point their charges to the same place, the same vision, the same being, the faster the explosion starts. If you see somebody with a destination, help them along. If a friend has a vision, and you can contribute, do so. If you see God, find others who also see him, and together ignite the fire already in you, setting the fuel ablaze around you. You are not alone, sending a single spark to God, if you cannot find others, ask others, if others have a spark, direct them as to where you send yours, so that your influence spreads.
    If you want, comment below. And read before you comment, what you have to say may just clutter the space up with a repeat of the same old comment. Rather, reply your support and corrections to the comment like yours.