Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Addicted to Free - Over-Pricing Computers

Your computer runs Windows, right? And everything but your web browser cost you $$$, unless it is made of ads. I have a new option of freeness, Linux-based systems. Microsoft develops all their stuff by paying employees those $$$ you payed out to give you Operating Systems, on a cycle of v 0.5, v0.8, v. 0.5, v. 0.9, v. 0.5, v... The only people who really need to pay for those services are gamers, many of whom are pro- Open Source. (who dislikes free? Unless it is paying you, but still, free...)

So why did I decide to use it? (let me see... free... Dual booting...) I was hoping for faster boot times, which is what I got from it. But it has even more to offer... Free. Full word processing, internet access, video editing (WITH, apparently, multiple audio tracks), audio editing, and pretty much everything that a non-gamer would use. I even found free education-related applications. And still, FREE!

All of this information is about the Ubuntu operating system, I do recommend at least trying it, and if you like it, saving about 100 dollars on your next PC. And, if necessary, you can boot a windows backup on another PC. Just transfer it properly. (And, That's Free!!! Since you already paid for it.)

And I forgot, if you are used to Mac, and love their security, this one's security is about the same. Plus, it runs just a simply, with fewer errors. And, EVERYTHING is pretty much FREE!!!

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