Saturday, April 9, 2011

It's always the Leap.

The leap of faith. I remember many times it was used. It is somewhat allegoric, but just might be a bit cliche. But still. It is well allegorized.

But maybe it isn't always a leap. (Don't just go screaming Sacrilege. I have a point.) Maybe it is more like a creepy bridge without handles. You can see the other side and the path. You can do it. That is, unless you're made of Uranium: The bridge snaps under your weight, and as you hit the ground you detonate in an epic reaction that eliminates all other sides of your journey! Translation: It fails meagerly and life continues undramatized.

Yeah, the leap makes sense, but that involves plunging headfirst into the unknown. The shaky bridge and the epic fall make a little more sense. Especially since all you would be falling into is water. But to you that water is full of radioactive piranhas. Which actually fuse together to become the loch ness monster. Even though you could see the bottom and have been drinking that same water.

Maybe there is a better allegory. One with less hypothetical danger. Like a mountain trail. But you need to have your Mission Trip Machete, because, you know, a Mountain Lion might try to maul you or something.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Reversing the sentence

There are a great number of sentences that are said backwards of what they should be. Make that a great number of thoughts. The general form is 'Thou art for thou do' (Translation: One is [  ] because one does [ ].) Something is wrong. The sentence shows definition by result. Is that who you actually are?

The thing is, sentences are written thoughts. Hacking, inverting, and sugar-coating are all ways that these thoughts are corrupted. The particularly dangerous one is inverting. If one does because of what one is, he is not what he does. But reverse that a bit. You are your actions and their results. What you do determines what you believe, what you love.

I would challenge that what one loves should determine what they do. It actually does. One who loves their image would do something good or shrewd to make themselves look better. (Let's face it. We all do it.) One who loves their friends will try to make sure their needs are met. One who loves to serve will. What one loves is what one does.

Courage is a condition of the heart. A possession. One is not courageous because he did something slightly crazy and necessary. One did something crazy and necessary because of his courage. Everything has a reason at the heart, what is created to be as it is, lest it become corrupt. A repentant heart will change back to how it was created. It will repair the mind by the actions, by the power of a healing Spirit.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Mosh Pit Christianity

At any given Metal Concert, there are three general groups: Supervisors, Fans, and Participants. The Supervisors stand or sit in back, giving either approval or disapproval to the show and crowd. Fans stand near the front,  and cheer as well as watch. You may even get a clap out of them. Then there are the Participants. These crazy people don't just stand around. They begin a thing of chaos up front, pulling as many people into their madness as possible. These are the ones who have the most fulfillment out of tho concert. They have the most fun.

There is a mirror, also. Christians have three basic modes: Supervisors, Fans, and Participants.

Of course, a supervisor doesn't just have to watch. They can draw attention to themselves, distracting others from their fun. They can gossip, slander, or do any number of other perverse things way back there in the back. But only the band can see them. Only the LORD sees them in their true light.

The Fans, yeah, they are among us. Sure. They are enjoying seeing the artist up close, kinda tapping their foot to the beat, kinda singing. But it is just their try. Some are participants, some are not. Some are actually only there because they had nothing else to do. Well, how exciting.

The Participants are the ones with the fun. They have the energy. Crank it up, they are lovin' it. Their energy and violent intercourse are shaking to the walls around them. They bash and are bashed alike. They are enjoying every minute of it. And everyone around them, and all who see them in the light are empowered by that energy. The blood is flowing. They're ready.

If I were to ask a question, which would you consider yourself? Do you want to watch? Will you be there? Or will you BE THERE, a part of the action. Potato, goat, or sheep? I like to call myself a sheep, though I often act like the other two.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Life is in the Blood. And Blood is Red.

A couple days ago, my freight train of thought ended with the phrase 'The red letters are the blood of the Bible'.  I have no clue how I got there.

    But it makes a little bit of sense. The basis of the Christian faith is the fact that Jesus [that being, The Son (of God), who is God] died for an eternity in three days. The red letters are his [directly] quoted words. They are about where the heart would be, if Genesis was the foot and Revelation the hair of the head. 

    And if it weren't for them, nobody would know about the death. They started a wildfire in the people, showed them who he is, so that they would be confident of who he is. They would be confident that Jesus WAS God. That He is. His words finished the understanding of the law, that all men were known to the Father by their hearts, as well as their deeds. 
    They are the words, that by simply being heard, change a man, washing the inside, so that the outside might become clean. The ultimate version of 'Clear Eyes'. (You've seen the commercial. You see how clean those eyes become.) They are the blood of that book. The muttled understanding of the old testament, the confusion and offensive nature of the epistles, and all the "Wait, What?" moments in the Bible, they can be seen clearly. The Truth becomes alive. 

    Now, if we are talking blood, I can't take a platelet and say 'This is blood!', that would be a synecdoche. I would be calling a part a whole. Like cheating me on pie. Bad idea. 
    However, I can grab a microscope, and look at the red blood cell, the platelet, the white blood cell, I can look at all of them, and say, 'This is blood. These are the parts. Together, they bring and maintain life. And I can see the plasma. The plasma alone is naught, but it allows the rest to live well. (I don't know where that last bit was going.)

    I know Matthew Chapter Five, with the beatitudes, is absolutely a cakewalk. But what comes after, along with the rest of his words, make the blood hard to take. It involves condemnation, torture, and difficulty. But the result of that... is life. 
     For the blood is the life of the body, without it the body is dead. Likewise with the red letters. Without them, my heart is laws, rebellion, and vanity. Without them, I am dead of heart. But with the words of a Savior feeding my soul, my life becomes abundant in beauty, despite the pain of my healing.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I don't get why people think of rain as a grim thing. I like it. It is solemn, and comforting. 

If this is a new perspective to you consider the following verse.

Matt 5:45  " He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous" 

If you consider that the sun burns, removes life, causes drought, and is even capable of killing some people, Rain could be preferable. But the rain makes the roads slicker, cools the world, and in some cases can make one shiver with such severity they could die. The world looks rather grim now. Hence, it rains on the wicked.

Opposing that worldview is that which the righteous likely have. Rain? Helps the crops grow. Sun? Beach time. Raining and sunny at the same time? Ride a bike in a poncho at the beach. Or maybe tan and take a (clothed) shower at the same time. It all is fun. See how the world looks now? 

This verse does not necessarily apply to him blessing both. It does not necessarily apply to him cursing both. It applies to both the former and the latter, pronouncing blessings and curses upon all. How do you view the rain? How the snow? How the sun? How the Son? His gospel will bless those who love him, curse those who hate him. Those who live by the deed will be cursed, those who live by THE Grace blessed beyond their wildest dreams. So which one are you?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Shining your Armor

In Ephesians chapter Five, Paul presents us with a list of attributes that God has given to Christians so that we may get through our days, regardless of the stress of the days. I may be a little ADD in this, but I am certain this armor is supposed to be shiny.

Shininess is an attribute that allows for light to be shown without looking directly at it. If we truly want to show God's Glory throughout our lives, we need to shine our armor. Sure, if it is a little grimy it can still protect us, but our enemies will not have nearly as good of a view of the LORD if our armor is frosted over.

So, how do we shine our armor? First, take the time to do it. If we bog ourselves down, we will become tired and forget to do it. Save a day to maintain what the Lord has given you, a relationship. Also, continue to rest in Him, so that he might clean it through his glory. (aside: The temple was cleaned initially through God's Glory. He made everything shiny.)

I will also say this: The sword is a different animal altogether. It becomes shiny while it is being sharpened.  It isn't sharpened by resting, rest brings blades to rust. It is sharpened by being tested on flint, by being tested properly on the coarse stone. It is cleaned as it is used, shined in it's sheath. Never let it down, not for a day. Be ready, so that when battle calls, it will be with you, and able to be guided by it's spirit. Never let it go. Never.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Sorry if this post makes you hungry.

Cookies. If you made me some, I officially love you until they're stolen from me. Probably by you. But cookies aren't just a normal gift you give just anyone. I've come up with reasons I would make cookies, and reasons The Fresh Prince [of Bel-Air] would make them. Here goes:

1. Can I? Please?
        You want to do something you normally wouldn't be allowed to do. Default to bribery.

2. I want your forgiveness.
        I messed up. And I can't find the words. So have some cookies.

 2b. I want out.
         I messed up. And I can't find the words. And this punishment I find a little excessive. Have some cookies.

3. I want your favor.
        And these cookies are going to work better than cash. Mostly since I used my family's secret toll house recipe. And I know you like cookies. Everybody likes cookies.

4. I want to give you joy, then steal it out from under you!!!!
       Do I need to explain? This is entertainment for me. Your sadness after I steal and eat your cookie brings a demented smile to my face. And then you realize that there are eleven more. :-)

5. I like you.
        I give you these cookies to say that I enjoy our friendship. And remember, I only used one like. Strictly platonic. Now, then, if I used two...

6. I like like you.
        Go on a date with me. These cookies will make you like me more, increasing my chances. And I already heard the cousin card. Not gonna work this time, girl! I have cookies!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Liar, Liar... Stave II

Abraham lied. And we can quote it. "She is my sister." He was lucky he didn't wear pants.

Then he justifies it.Genesis 20 11 Abraham replied, “I said to myself, ‘There is surely no fear of God in this place, and they will kill me because of my wife.’ 12 Besides, she really is my sister, the daughter of my father though not of my mother; and she became my wife. 13 And when God had me wander from my father’s household, I said to her, ‘This is how you can show your love to me: Everywhere we go, say of me, “He is my brother.”’”

This happens twice. TWICE. Plus, this almost caused people to die. Nations. Liar, Liar, Kingdoms on Fire.

I wonder why it is confined to liars though. What about arsonists? I think their pants should catch fire. Robbers, their pockets should burn. And their pants. And those pesky Yellow Journalists, Their pants too. And Liars, can't forget them.

Wait, did I just end where I started?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Liar, Liar

Sometimes... Things blow up. We lose something precious. Our pants catch fire.

Well, I hate admitting my pants caught fire because I lied. I dropped my iPod. And I didn't report it. But that wouldn't be necessary. It usually survives.
    I have never met a person who was excited about their pants catching fire. But we know that it is the direct result of being a liar. Which is a direct result of lying. That's right, l just said that. Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire. The only other option is that my flatus ignited, and that didn't happen. And my pants aren't on fire again.
    In Numbers, 250 Levites decided to believe that they were holy to the LORD. They tried to burn incense, and they were consumed by fire. I blame the pants. But I am pretty sure they wore robes. No, it was definitely the pants.
    Anyways, the lesson is that Liars shouldn't wear pants... Cause it said nothing about shorts/robes/skirts.

    Wait... Scratch that, Reverse it. Pants shouldn't wear Liars.
    One sec... Pant wearers shouldn't Lie.

    Yeah. That must be it.

    Pant Wearers shouldn't Lie.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


The main piece of a story is the Characters. If there aren't Characters, you have sceneries. Thus, I will create a character on this page.

Name: Ike
Reason: I like that name. Plus, he will be an ecoterrorist who guises as a recording artist.
Occupation: Aforementioned.
Type: Never takes a break from his schemes or music. He plots even while in jail. And acts.
Skills: Open-Source Virus Programming in hex code. Uses C programming code, among others.
           Pitch-Perfect, Guitar and Violin. Also, can take poisonous sound waves without being affected.
           Such sound waves are produced by his brother, John (after John Newton).
Fears: Carbon Tetrachloride (irrational), Tritium and other radioactive gases, losing record deal and being exported.

          See, he isn't completely awesome. That would be cliche. Instead, he is a little nerdy, has irrational fears, and is driven to a pointless task by those irrational fears. If you create a 'perfect' character, he becomes a little bit blasphemous, since only the LORD is truly perfect. Your character needs internal conflict, dumb idiosyncrasies, and other pieces that make him unique. Humans are like that, why not faked characters? If you need an exaggerated example, see Wile. E. Coyote, and Adrian Monk. Both are lovable in their quirks.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Redeeming the Character

Many have looked upon themselves, and wanted to change. I've been there. I've needed to change my actions. But to change those actions permanently requires what I call 'Redeeming the Character', the being that acts, the reason I acted that way.

The best characters never start out perfect, but are riddled with flaws. They grow. But many times I had grown to selfishness, looking at only myself. All others became tools to achieve my goal in one magnitude or another. I needed to be changed. My thoughts became darker, objectified women, I destroyed and I hated, going down an endless spiral what finalizes with the end of a character. No character, only desire and despair.

One Writer saved me. Changed my surroundings to give me purpose, and returned life to a shell that was hollowing. I gained a 'face' and something to face toward, and became a character again.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Universal Joints

    A Universal Joint, or a U-Joint, is among the most common obscure things you possess many of. At least two for each car you own, plus you probably have one in a ratchet set. Why are they useful? When a rod is rotating, it needs to be completely straight, or it will look wobbly. Plus, the input and output must be in line with each other. But if that were the case, all vehicles would have to be so low to the ground that the engine and transmission would both take damage. Thus, we needed a way to allow a rod to rotate at angles, dropping it down simply and easily.
    We already knew how to make a simple joint, one with the parameter only along one plane. This is like your knee. It only bends one way. But rotation requires that this joint also rotate. So what if we combined two parameters along perpendicular planes, planes that rotated? Concept, check. Having a second, perpendicular plane creates a three-dimensional parametric system, so that the altered line does not need remain on the plane. Instead, the planes can rotate all they want, without disturbing the alteration. As this rotates, the individual components of the 3D vector change, going from positive max to zero to negative max.
    I have only found one problem with U-Joints so far, and that is their angular limit. Somewhere between 30 and 60 degrees is their limit, and at 90 you can get what I call "Wobbly Lock". Wobbly lock is where the components 'Lock', turning the 'Wobbly' into a pivot. This makes a poor excuse for a wrench. So keep that in mind next time you change your spark plugs. This can get annoying.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Addicted to Free - Over-Pricing Computers

Your computer runs Windows, right? And everything but your web browser cost you $$$, unless it is made of ads. I have a new option of freeness, Linux-based systems. Microsoft develops all their stuff by paying employees those $$$ you payed out to give you Operating Systems, on a cycle of v 0.5, v0.8, v. 0.5, v. 0.9, v. 0.5, v... The only people who really need to pay for those services are gamers, many of whom are pro- Open Source. (who dislikes free? Unless it is paying you, but still, free...)

So why did I decide to use it? (let me see... free... Dual booting...) I was hoping for faster boot times, which is what I got from it. But it has even more to offer... Free. Full word processing, internet access, video editing (WITH, apparently, multiple audio tracks), audio editing, and pretty much everything that a non-gamer would use. I even found free education-related applications. And still, FREE!

All of this information is about the Ubuntu operating system, I do recommend at least trying it, and if you like it, saving about 100 dollars on your next PC. And, if necessary, you can boot a windows backup on another PC. Just transfer it properly. (And, That's Free!!! Since you already paid for it.)

And I forgot, if you are used to Mac, and love their security, this one's security is about the same. Plus, it runs just a simply, with fewer errors. And, EVERYTHING is pretty much FREE!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Spark Plugs: Triggering Detonation

    Spark Plugs: Those little fragile things in your engine that only do as they say: create a spark. So simple of a job, yet so complex. If something goes wrong with this piece, your engine dies. And their basic design isn't so great either. Now they have newer, better ones available. No longer is the spark plug closed, now the spark sends the explosion forward.
    If one spark does well enough, what happens when there are two? Better results. Four? It starts faster, and stronger. And with that, more of the fuel is burned in each stroke. Thus, less fuel is used, and emissions become more efficient.
    So, why are we still shooting things solo? Or better, why am I doing things solo? The most interesting thing about the spark plug is that all of the sparks go to and come from the same place, the center of the plug. And the pieces on the side are all working on the same task, but each does a different part. No longer is it alone, no longer must it start the explosion on its own.

    If many point their charges to the same place, the same vision, the same being, the faster the explosion starts. If you see somebody with a destination, help them along. If a friend has a vision, and you can contribute, do so. If you see God, find others who also see him, and together ignite the fire already in you, setting the fuel ablaze around you. You are not alone, sending a single spark to God, if you cannot find others, ask others, if others have a spark, direct them as to where you send yours, so that your influence spreads.
    If you want, comment below. And read before you comment, what you have to say may just clutter the space up with a repeat of the same old comment. Rather, reply your support and corrections to the comment like yours.